Chinese immigrant who founded a pro-Trump movement explains why he did it

Chinese immigrant David Wang has explained why he founded Chinese Americans for Trump.

According to 10 News, David Wang founded Chinese Americans for Trump (CAFT) in the lead up to the 2016 election.

The pro-Trump group paid for billboards and aerial banners encouraging people to vote for Donald Trump in dozens of cities.

Wang first came to the US in 1999 as a student and has lived there since. He is currently applying for citizenship.

“Obviously there are, for example, white people, black people, Asians and Hispanics, but I think we’re all Americans, and Trump brings that out, you know; he is a uniter; he is a real American; and that’s what I really liked about him,” said Wang.

“And his values — his immigration values, his domestic values, foreign values — are very in line with what Chinese Americans think.”

Wang said Trump’s stance against illegal immigrants is appealing to him and other CAFT members who have come to the US legally.

“See, he doesn’t like illegals,” he said. “Well, I’m legal. I am a legal immigrant. I have done everything right. Everything I have done, it has taken me years — years — to get that green card. We’re talking about a 10-year plus journey for Chinese Americans to become legal. And we celebrate that day when we become legalized. So this is what we don’t like about illegal immigrants.

“They should have taken the right path, taking the legal path. Now if they do that, I celebrate them. They are diversity, and I celebrate diversity.”

Trump’s personality is also appealing to Wang. “In person, he’s not as assertive as he is on TV. He’s more like a really down-to-earth, very loving grandpa-ish guy. Everybody loved him. Then, some of us even felt in tears because you know this is the guy who we believed was going to win the election, and back then he was just a candidate.”

Although Wang voted for Obama in 2008, he said he felt alienated by the Democrats under Hilary Clinton and blames them for “racism in the name of affirmative action.”

“Democrats don’t care about us; they want to take our power away and give it to other people,” Wang said. “For example, Hispanics or other people who has a larger voting poll, and I thought, that’s not fair. Because what I’m doing here: We’re not trying to create an advantage for Asian-Americans; we’re just trying to get back to fair grounds.”

Wang is not opposed to one day voting for the Democrats again. “If someday somebody can convince me otherwise, maybe I’ll become a Democrat. Who knows?” he said.

However, Wang remains a strong Trump supporter for now. “I stand 100 percent behind him even though I’m Chinese-American and some folks in China feel like he’s not too friendly with China over the trade war thing that’s going on,” he said.

“I guess re-elect him, 2020, go Trump!” Wang added.

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